Email a list of existing VCenter Snapshots
VMWare (PowerShell) Monday, 22 June 2020 by paul

The PowerShell script below will email a list of Vcenter Snapshots. It utilises the VMWare PowerCLI which must be installed on the machine executing the script.

# Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Allowclobber
# connect-viserver vcenter-hostname
# Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction ignore -confirm:$false
# Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode single -Confirm:$false
# Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $false
# New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host vcenter-hostname -User [email protected] -Password xxxxxxx -File vccred.xml

# Vcenter host`
$hostname = "vcenter.domain.local" 
# Vcenter user
$username = "[email protected]"
# Credential file storing password
$filename = "vccred.xml"
# Mail recipients
$sendto = "[email protected]"

$cred = Get-VICredentialStoreItem -User $username -Host $hostname -File $filename
Connect-VIServer -Server $cred.Host -User $cred.User -Password $cred.Password | Out-Null

function Get-SnapChild{

		if($Snapshot.ChildSnapshotList.Count -gt 0){ 
			$Snapshot.ChildSnapshotList | %{ Get-SnapChild -Snapshot $_ }

$count = 0
foreach($vm in Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name,Snapshot -Filter @{'Snapshot' = ''}) {
   Write-Host "VM: "+$vm.name+"" -foreground green
   $body = $body + "<P><H3>VM: "+$vm.name+"</H3><UL>"
   foreach($ssl in $vm.Snapshot.RootSnapshotList) {
      foreach($ssn in $ssl) {
	     $body = $body + (ConvertTo-Html -InputObject $ssn -As List -Fragment) + "<br />"
   $snapshots += Get-SnapChild -Snapshot $_
   $body = $body + "</UL>"
   $count = $count + 1

# Only send email notification if there are any snapshots
If ($count -gt 0) {
	$body = "<body>" + ("$($count) snapshots." | out-string) + ("" | Out-String) + $body + "</body>"
	Send-MailMessage -To $sendto -Subject "VM Snapshots - Remove snapshot if not required" -Priority high -Smtpserver smtpout.romec.local -From [email protected] -Body $body -BodyAsHtml
	Write-Host "Email sent to "$sendto

The script then can be run as a scheduled task to notify a group of VMWare admins.

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